Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Word of the day: Terrarium

I figured for my first entry I would jump right in on what I want this blog to be: a place to release all of the clutter in my mind and hopefully share constructive ideas.
Even before the wedding planning began, I have always had a fascination with terrariums. I by no means have a green thumb, but it is fascinating to see a whole little eco-system growing in a pretty little glass bubble.

These also remind me of the solarium that I hope to have off of my imaginary-future house. Jonathan and I have already made a deal that he would build me a solarium if he could build a treehouse for himself.

I think they would be great to put as centerpieces for the wedding, especially sitting on a freshly cut piece of sod with tealight candles surrounding them. I have yet to see anyone do this combination, but have found some ideas of the closest thing to them.

1 comment:

  1. The tree house and a terrarium deal? AMAZING.

    What a great, inspiring idea for table settings. They could even double as pseudo party favors that people can take home and care for whilst remembering your wedding day (& hopefully not let them die)?
