Jonathan bought me a cupcake and coffee for the good news!
On the home front, even though this job will mean extra income for us, we have decided to stay in our little cozy apartment for at least another year. To keep our sanity, we decided to update the kitchen a little to save space. We have already gotten some fantastic gifts to use for cooking, but no room!
We took a little trip to Ikea on Saturday morning and by that evening we we all set up with this:
What is really great about this set up is that we didn't have to drill into the walls, it is a free standing shelving unit! We had a round table in there previously, which we never sat at because it usually had too much stuff on it. There is also a shelf underneath the desk, so it has even more room for storage on the ground level.
I am thinking of buying a brass chandelier on craigslist to put in the kitchen, as well. I figure if we are staying here, we might as well make it our own.
Another great thing about taking on renovating the apartment is that it will act as a buffer for when the wedding is over and my DIYing energy will need to be directed somewhere else!
Speaking of, on the wedding front, I am happy to announce that we have booked all transportation and hotels for the honeymoon! We decided to stay in the same guest house that we stayed at when Jonathan and I first visited. Also, we booked the flight from Barcelona to Mallorca.
I'm not sure if I ever talked about this, but one of our registries is actually helping us fund our trip! The website is called Traveler's Joy and it works as a registry page for event or products to ask for, like any other registry. We have already had a few of our friends and family gift us with some really fun stuff that we are looking forward to!
Check out our website to see what I am talking about! I would suggest it to any couples getting hitched, as it gives friends and family a unique alternative to the average rice cooker!
One of the really interesting things that Jonathan and I are about to do is separate for a month before the wedding. Some people might say, "Who are they kidding?" Yeah, we know, we live together already, but it will be a great time to really separate life now from married life. A month just seems like a long time! We will still see each other during the day, but he will be out of the house at night. The funny thing is that the last night we will be with each other before the wedding is actually my birthday! Oh, did I mention it is my birthday on Wednesday!
I will be the tender age of 24! I still feel like I am 16, but I guess that is what the calendar says! I have already told Jonathan that all I want is chocolate cake, sparkling wine, and cable for the house. I think he is going to make it happen!
Well, I think that about wraps it up for now! The next time I blog it will be less than a month before the wedding! Get ready for crazy Heather mode!