We also took a climbing trip to Red River Gorge in Kentucky, which was such a beautiful and relaxing time.
This is Jonathan climbing, he is a little ridiculous!
Yes, he is upside down.

The rock was super featured, but pretty coarse.

And, this is me in my usual form, after a long day of climbing.
The major point of this trip being relevant to my blog is what I came across on our hike to the walls:

Moss! Glorious Moss!

It was everywhere, so I decided to pack some of it up and bring it home to grow for the terrarium centerpieces.
I called a woman at a nursery today to get a better idea of how to best keep the moss for the next 2 months. For one, she was thrilled about the centerpiece idea and had some great suggestions on how to maintain it. Also, she worked at a landscaping company, so she quoted me how much it would be for a role of sod to put down on each table for the base of the centerpieces. She told me for all of it, the cost would be no more than $20, total!
I went to home depot to grab the supplies to grow the moss and my total bill for the container, soil and water bottle came to a whopping $10.22.

I had previously investigated the cost of moss, but was disappointed to find that even a little bag to fill one terrarium was close to $10, and that moss would have been dormant, meaning I would have had to nurture it up to the status of regular growing moss.
I really lucked out with bringing the moss back, as long as I can keep it alive!
After researching the care of it, this will be a dedicated process everyday, so I am interested to see how I do. I'm afraid at the end of this process that if I succeed that I will grow too attached to the moss to see it go!
As a reminder, my centerpiece idea is putting a piece of sod down, then placing a terrarium of various sizes on each table with a few tea lights to go along with it.
I am now on to the next step of figuring out what else to put in the terrariums. Moss is a big part, but I want to give them character. Any ideas?

Heather! I love everything about this post! Look at you getting it researched so quickly! AH-MAZING!
ReplyDeleteI love our home smelling like climbing and moss! Should also be noted that you tried this 5.13a as well!!!