Before I get to the beef of this next post, I had to share this picture. If you are not familiar with our childenz, this is our bad cat, Boo. We have a very pretty and sweet cat named Lady, of whom this pink little dress belongs to. When Lady was smaller she loved to wear her dresses. Yes, she has more than one.
One of my favorite stories of this was when I was studying abroad a dear friend of ours was looking after Lady and when I had originally passed lady off to her, I included Lady's dresses. My friend thought it was bizarre at the time, but a month into me being gone a got an email letting me know that she had gotten Lady into her dress, saw that she actually does strut around in it, and let her loose OUTSIDE in it! FOR MULTIPLE DAYS!
I can't imagine what the neighbors thought when they saw a cat prancing around in a pink dress.
Anyways, back to Boo. Boo hates having the dress on, hence the tortured look on her face. However, it is just too tempting to not put it on her from time to time.
Tangent accomplished! So, it was my birfday yesterday and a great one, at that! I received flowers not once, but three times by some really great people in my life!

These were from Richard and mom. They were so big and so beautiful!
Jonathan tied a bouquet to my bike with twine while I was at work, along with a very sweet note. I wish I had gotten a picture of it, but when it's my birthday I revert back to little kid mode of ripping packaging as fast as I can.
Missy was also a peach and brought me a latte and a bouquet of flowers, so much freakin love!
Lunch was also really great and will probably make anyone that is not me or Jonathan want to throw up in their mouths a little bit from how cute it was!
We went on a picnic, since the weather was in the 70s, which is a miracle since it was 30 the day before. Picnics are particularly special because of one we went on in a row boat at Versailles, but that is another story in itself.

We mimicked this original spread and we seated ourselves under the tree we are getting married under. *AWWWWWW*
Jonathan also bought me a cupcake with the most frosting on it, ever.

A little unflattering, but a great segway into another wedding plan that we have in mind.
Notice the guy walking on the sidewalk behind the fence? This is pretty much the way that our guests will be facing and it would be great if our wedding pictures didn't have a bunch of random passerby's hanging out when we are exchanging rings. So, we have asked a few family members to bring quilts to hang on the fence! When I say a few, I mean 15, but that isn't too many considering my grandma is an avid quilter and a few of my aunts have closets full of them.

This was actually the picture that inspired me with the quilts. I think they will create a nice amount of privacy and also add a nice home-grown feel to the wedding.
Back to the birthday... It ended with a nice evening of dinner and drinks with friends. Friends that were all so nice and gave very sweet and thoughtful gifts, even though they really shouldn't have.

Jonathan also made a cake for the occasion, as seen behind the chair in the above picture and in the below picture. He bought me a potted hydrangea bush, too, which I am a little bit in love with!

(compliments of Mairead's flickr!)
Overall, a perfect birthday. It was also the last night before he moved over to Sham and Mairead's for April. It is hard not to be a little bummed out, even though I will still see him everyday. However, I was thinking of making it more of a project month for me. April is sure to fly by quickly, now that the wedding is only 30 days away!
I need to write an email to our friend who is DJing for us, as we are starting to set out a playlist for the entire night.
I will leave you with what we think will be our first dance, goodnight!
a potted hydrangea bush?! KEEPER!!!!
ReplyDeleteYay, this was everything I dreamed it would be. Very spring-inspired. I love the picnic! I didn't throw up in my mouth. And the quilt idea is seriously GENIUS, Heather!
Um, also? Boo slays me.
Furthermore, HAPPY FRIDAY!
you received flowers not once, not twice, but thrice!!!
ReplyDeleteHow funny...please take more pictures of our babies in funny clothes so I don't grow lonely without them
The song slays is incredibly beautiful. Please, remember, your dear ol' auntie when you get rich and buy your parents homes in the South of France......