Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh, Bubs

Our cat, Boo, and the dragon from the movie "How to Train Your Dragon." They are kind of twinsies.

UPDATE: I took this picture when I woke up this morning. She had her crazy face on that further eludes to the likeness.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Special Request

I have been hemming and hawing on how to go about something in particular for a while now, so I guess I will just spit it out!

Over the past 10 years I have been involved with a world-wide organization call YoungLife. It is a christian organization that focuses on relationships with teenagers, but not affiliated with any particular church. I was greatly influenced as a high schooler by my leaders, became a leader in college, and now serve on the committee here in Oak Park. It is an organization that I care about, but have now come into a role where I am a major part in supporting the local chapter.

Even though I have worked in sales for a time, and now work for a development department of a university, I always get nervous asking others to support a cause. There are always other obligations to fulfill and I certainly don't think that I am anyone special that should get a "yes" to all of my requests. So, I figured this blog is a good place to just lay it on the table for anyone who reads this and would want to support my efforts.

I will be participating in a golf tournament at the end of May, which has a buy-in of $1,000. Anything you can give will help me get to my goal of that amount. I will also provide an embarrassing photo of me golfing (because, yes, I am pretty bad), along with the best thank-you note you have ever received.

If you are interested in donating, I would greatly appreciate it! Either shoot me a message below or send me an email at

Here are a few pictures from some of my favorite times with the organization:

Above are two photos of people that I worked with as a volunteer at camps in Canada and Arizona.

Some of my girls and fellow leaders from YoungLife during college

Current YoungLife kids and leaders for Oak Park YoungLife.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Why I Love My Mother...she don't want no grand babies

My sweet, sweet mother came up and surprised me, along with my step-father, for my 25th birthday. In exchange for her generosity, I decided to play an April Fool's joke on her. This was a joke that I had planned for three years ago when I bought the prop, but never got the chance. Having her here for April 1st put the opportunity back on the table. Let's see how she reacts...

I put a "Future Grandma" sash on her. She is appalled.

I mean, literally crying out of sadness. She was saying "It's not time, it's not time."
It only took me seconds before I told her it was a joke due to the utter disappointment and sadness I felt from her.
She finally understands it's a joke...

Then, we hug it out and laugh, because, I am truly my mothers daughter and babies are nowhere to be found in this 25 year old body. 

Love you, mom!