Monday, April 11, 2011

A Special Request

I have been hemming and hawing on how to go about something in particular for a while now, so I guess I will just spit it out!

Over the past 10 years I have been involved with a world-wide organization call YoungLife. It is a christian organization that focuses on relationships with teenagers, but not affiliated with any particular church. I was greatly influenced as a high schooler by my leaders, became a leader in college, and now serve on the committee here in Oak Park. It is an organization that I care about, but have now come into a role where I am a major part in supporting the local chapter.

Even though I have worked in sales for a time, and now work for a development department of a university, I always get nervous asking others to support a cause. There are always other obligations to fulfill and I certainly don't think that I am anyone special that should get a "yes" to all of my requests. So, I figured this blog is a good place to just lay it on the table for anyone who reads this and would want to support my efforts.

I will be participating in a golf tournament at the end of May, which has a buy-in of $1,000. Anything you can give will help me get to my goal of that amount. I will also provide an embarrassing photo of me golfing (because, yes, I am pretty bad), along with the best thank-you note you have ever received.

If you are interested in donating, I would greatly appreciate it! Either shoot me a message below or send me an email at

Here are a few pictures from some of my favorite times with the organization:

Above are two photos of people that I worked with as a volunteer at camps in Canada and Arizona.

Some of my girls and fellow leaders from YoungLife during college

Current YoungLife kids and leaders for Oak Park YoungLife.

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