1. The title not only references reality, it also references the amazingness of what Perez Hilton revealed to me...Lindsay Lohan is strapped for cash and is selling her "gently" used clothes on the Lohan family website- no joke.
Turns out we wear the same shoe size. I wonder though if the garments are as genuine as they seem. I would be dissatisfied if I couldn't find some traces of cocaine and fake tanner stains. Jonathan joked that if I buy something it would be a stipulation that she not clean it first. Sounds gross, but I'm tempted.
For those of you who don't know, my freakish minor obsession with Lindsay Lohan goes back a good ways, so needless to say, I am very tempted to buy at least one thing.
2. I think I have decided on bridesmaid dresses and have taken a deep breath out. I basically chose a color and fabric that I liked (barely peach, silk taffeta) and asked the girls to chose a style. Here are the three choices:

Notice the subtle differences, yet collective in the same way. I also really love the color!

Fitting for the occasion. I think that most of the aesthetics of this wedding are more satisfying to me than they ever would be for Jonathan.
3. Now for the mean girl part. So, I was doing a little FB stalking and came across this atrocious wedding. Granted, they were not professional pictures, but you get to see enough of what is wrong. No amount of touch-ups could hide the ugly!
First of all, I will say that the majority of the pictures I left out for discretion's sake, considering that taste is taste and some people just don't have any. I feel bad for them. However, there are some glaring notes to take away from this wedding.
Biiiiiiggggg #1:
No douche bags aloud.

Notice the use of the "shocker" in this photo. In a wedding photo. If I knew anyone did that in my wedding photos, I would take a knife to that pinky finger.
#2: Awful staged photos.
Another thing to notice about these pictures is the abundance of sunglasses in a seemingly shady backyard. Really? You feel like being Mr. Cool at someone else's wedding? Then again, this is a great time to mention the emasculating color choice of this whole event.
Another one of those painfully awkward photos.
#3: Killing it with Color
I'm sure all of those bm's loved that dress. I mean, look at the detailing on the bottom! And the flower girls? I hate to criticize children, so I will blame the bride and their parents instead. The pink makes me want to vomit pepto bismal.
#5 Hobby Cakes gone wrong.
She made flower girl cakes....cute?
Ah, the grooms cake. Nothing says I'm so proud to be getting married like homage to an 80's cover band that stirs up images of girls in leopard unitards writhing on the hood of a mustang convertible.
Thus, my rant is done. I'm sorry if this was your unfortunate wedding.
kind of.
Oohhh great picks! What are you all going to go with?
ReplyDeleteP.S. I cannot believe pink was agreed to like... just... I mean... no.