Friday, October 9, 2009

Dreams, Dads, and Obama

I just woke up from a very strange dream! I haven't had many wedding related dreams yet, but now I'm sure there will be more to follow. This dream wasn't about the wedding itself, but instead about the dress search. LiKe I posted before, my family and a few friends are going with me next weekend to find a dress, however, besides the random dress I tried on for fun at Bergdorfs in New York last year, this will be the first time I will try on wedding dresses.
Many people I have spoken with have asked me if I will go sooner and try a few on, just to see what I like. I have been considering doing that this weekend, hence the dream:

First off, I was with my dad at David's Bridal. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend anyone who has chosen a gown from there. I have never even gone into the store, but my dream told me that they have some awful dresses. If you know my dad, his patience is short, to put it lightly.

I love this picture of my dad, he has his cynical face on!

So anyways, I was just looking at David's Bridal so that I could get an idea of what I wanted, but everything was either short, pink, or too ruffly. Also, the saleswoman didn't know what a dropped-waist style was. It was horrifying! We finally gave up and went to the Galleria (my dream was in Houston for some reason).
I am sure I will go somewhere this weekend and love everything I try on, I know enough about my dreams that they just like to freak me out.

In way more important news, Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize this morning! They criticism are raking in from all over the world, but I for one am on board with this decision. MSNBC news has said that this decision is "designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism."
It speaks volumes that such a prestigious committee would choose to honor our President and see the potential in what he has intended to do. I don't even care that it is given out of potential rather than completed action, if it encourages him to keep moving forward, it was a prize well recieved.
Looking at some views on the facebook front this morning, one person I know stated that "my own hope is that he will magnanimously decline the award, which can only redound to his own benefit both internationally and in America." I would agree with that only if it would not seem like a slap in the face to the Norwegian committee.

Well, gotta go to work!

1 comment:

  1. Heather, OK I am 99% creeped out.

    One, because I have insane dreams like that every night and I tell Sham about them and he's like yeah um I do not remember mine AGAIN.

    Two, I completely agree about Obama. I basically responded to a friend's Facebook feelings about it just like you (see: ).

    Three, and THEN I read what someone at my college said about it, namely ask them to hold it for him, until he AND THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD (especially the US) have stepped up and worked together to complete enough to deserve it. And I was like, OMG THAT IS BRILLIANT, except... Exactly what you said. Don't want to offend. Just want to inspire.

    So yeah. You're awesome basically. HAPPY FRIDAY!
